Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

Hasil gambar untuk causative

Causative digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa orang lainmelakukan atau berbuat sesuatu untuk seseorang (biasanya sebagai orang pertama)
1.      Causative HAVE
Subject + have + complement + bare infinitive  (active)
Subject + have + complement + past participle (passive)
·         mr. Hilman had the carpenter repair the chair this morning (active )
·         Mr. Hilman had the chair repaired this morning (passive)
Kedua kalimat di atas menunjukkan  bahwa Tn.Hilman tidak melakukan perbaikan itu sendiri, tapi dia meminta tukang kayu melakukan perbaikan. Perhatian perbedaan kedua kalimat di bawah ini.
Mr.Hilman  repaired the chair this morning (ini berarti bahwa Tn.Hilman melakukan perbaikan sendiri)
Mr.Hilman had the chair repeired this morning.(ini berarti bahwa Tn. Hilman menyuruh  seseorang untuk memperbaiki  kursi itu)
·         The  man had his lawyer to change his will.                          (aktif-salah)
The man had his lawyer  change his lawyer                           (aktif-benar)
·         The woman had her housemaid to clean her bedroom            (aktif-salah)
The woman had her housemaid clean her bedroom                (aktif-benar)
·         The woman had her bedroom clean                                       (pasif-salah)
The woman had her bedroom cleaned                                    (pasif-benar)

2.      Causative GET
            Dalam causative kadang – kadang digunakan sebagai pengganti “have” untuk nenujukkan sesuatu yang mendesak (urgent) dan pengguna bentuk ini ingin agar orang lain berbuat sesuatu. Bentuk sering digunakan dalam bahasa inggris yang idak resmi.
Subject + get + complement +to infinitive  (active)
Subject + get + complement + past participle (passive)
·         Father got john wash the car      (active – salah)
Father got john to wash the car  (active – benar)
·         Fatheer got he car wash             (pasif – salah)
Father got the car washed          (pasif – benar)
             Get juga bisa diikuti kata sifat (adjective). Beberapa kata sifat yang sering mengikuti “get” adalah:
Angry     anxious         better               big                   bussy               cold
Dark       dizzy             empty              fat                    full                   heavy
Hungry   late               mad                 nervous            old                   rich
Sleepy     thrsty           warm               well                 wet                  worse

3.      Causative LET
Causative LET (allor or permit) yang berarti memberi izin atau membiarkan (memperbolehkan)seseorang melakukan sesuatu.

S + let + compliment+ (verb in simple form)……
S + permit\allow + compliment+ (vern in infinitive)….
·         I let Jim to hold my hand
·         My mom lets me do the loundry
·         John let his daughter swim with her friends
( john allowed his daughter to swim with her friends.)
(john permitted hid daughter to swim with her friends.)
·         The teacher let the students leave class  early.
·         We are goinng to let her write a letter.

4.      Causative Make
Causative Make yang berarti Memaksa atau membuat orang melakukan apa yang kita kehendaki.
Rumus :
S + make + agent + compliment+ (verb in simple form)…..
·         I made him give up his lunch
·         Because we didn’t attend the class more than three times last semester, Mrs.cohen made us retake the class this semester.
·         The teacher always makes the children stay in their seats.
·         Budi made gis son be quiet in the theatre.
·         The president is making his cabinet members sign this document.
5.      Causative want
Causative want yang berarti meminta (menginginkan) dengan arti pasif
Subject + want + pro (noun) +verb in past participle
·         I want this chair painted.
·         He wants the car repaired.
·         She wanted this document sidned.

6.      Causative HELP
Causative HELP yang berarti membantu (menolong ).
Sunject + help +complement + {(verb in simple form) (verb in inviniive)}
·         Budi helps Tuti wash the dishes.
·         Jono helped the old women with the packages (to) find the taxi.
·         The teacher will help Fatimah faind reseach materials.
·         We helped him (to) enter the pool.

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